Let’s Emotionally Connect While We’re Social Distancing

There has never been a more important time to connect with each other. Social distancing is absolutely vital during this dangerous pandemic as there are only a few ways to stop the spread of the coronavirus. Number one, of course, is staying home, and staying away from others. Washing hands, wiping down surfaces, wearing a […]

Connecting At Work While Social Distancing

With coronavirus upon us, how do we stay away from people while maintaining the connections we need to get stuff done? It seems hard, but it’s easily do-able with a smidgen of effort. What appears to be the best strategy to slow the growth of this virus is to, effectively, shut down the face-to-face economy. […]

Do This Instead of Shaking Hands

Recently I showed up a few minutes late to a luncheon with about 20 colleagues. The two hosts got up to give me a warm greeting, with a full-on handshake. Immediately we looked at each other in horror; we shouldn’t be doing this! Coronavirus! But how the heck should we be greeting each other? Coronavirus […]

Give the Give of Kindness This Valentine’s Day

This is a note of encouragement for everyone, whether you are in a relationship or hope to be in one. Reach out. When we do, when we take initiative to start a conversation, people nearly always engage and appreciate it. If you’ve ever ridden on a subway or commuter train, you know that it’s a […]

One Simple Act Can Make Your Customers Love You

In early 2020, the Wall Street Journal ranked airlines from first to worst in customer service. Having read the ranking article, Inc.com’s Chris Matyszczyk had an upcoming cross-country business trip and decided to fly the two airlines to see if he could tell the difference himself. Simply put, yes, he could. First, Chris flew from […]